20+ years since I entered the world of astrology through Numerology; leaving behind the rational world. Over those years I have joined many on their quest following themselves into the heavens. My experience led to my professional insight being sought out by many. Even without belief, we all play a role in our story.
How Do You Integrate &/or Having A Law License Into Your Work As An Astrologer?
Everyday I contemplate how to consciously merge the left hemisphere of my brain (Astrology) with my right one (Tarot, Mythology & Intuitive Soul). Studying the law allows me to gather, integrate and communicate enormous amounts of information. There are times I say to myself ‘that I have so much education that I’m stupid’. I’ve been told by some of my lawyer clients that I ask leading questions. Maybe so, maybe not. In a session I receive data from what I call the ‘Invisible Entourage’ (IE). I feel anyone who refuses to acknowledge invisible support lives a half-life based upon only logical proof, and probably is innately cynical.
One of the reasons I chose to forego the practice of law is that I could not foresee a life surrounded by people who mostly thought about how to find flaws in their work. Astrology is an art form. As an artist I see beyond the physical world to find and communicate meanings based upon harmony and joy.

What Is A Therapeutic Astrologer?
Therapeutic astrologers have the ability to accelerate a client’s insight into the meaning of their life events. Additionally, they possess an ability to see patterns for those clients who seek a more holistic approach to their life. Clients often seek consultation when they are struggling with personal difficulties. Usually these difficulties or challenges are rooted in intrapsychic conflict. An astrological chart (natal as diagnostic), or predictive charts (Secondary Progressions and Solar Arc) can demonstrate the past attempting to be a prologue to our future. Here at BINR, conflict is seen as your present self desiring to move past opposing thoughts, feelings and self-defeating behaviors into a consciousness and agency to cocreate your life.
What Two Broad Groups Do Psychotherapies Fall Into?
All psychotherapies fall into person-centered therapy or ‘therapy by conversation’, and symptom-based therapy or ‘therapy by action’. Astrology through BINR is an aid to counseling that’s person-centered. The basic techniques of counseling (listening, encouraging feelings, reinforcing good suggestions and discouraging bad ones, and avoiding giving advice) are compatible with astrology.
The birth chart acts as a neutral guide to discuss behaviors. It does not operate as a rationalizing instrument to justify thoughts of ‘I am this way because I as (fill in the Sun Sign). Instead a natal chart encourages the self-study and self-monitoring to employ more effective relationships within the self and others