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Capricorn New Moon & Our Right To Exist 12.30.24

Writer's picture: Quan Tracy CherryQuan Tracy Cherry

New Moon in Resourceful Capricorn. Let's initiate new forms and structures for all of our relationships. Commitment oriented Juno in Scorpio underscores our emotional need to belong (if not just to our inner self, but to another human being).

For those of you who are interested in your evolution and all things from the soul, the Moon's Nodal Axis matters---a lot. This astronomical intersection points of Sun, Moon & Earth illuminate our collective and individual growth.

After our collective karma (Moon's North & South Nodes) of the last 18 months in 'I wanna be startin' something' Aries and 'Let me take everything under advisement' Libra, we are ready as a people to restore and return to innocence through the Moon's Nodal Axis in Pisces and Virgo.

This New Moon marks the soulful awareness of Venus in freedom seeking Aquarius in a challenging relationship with disruptive Uranus in Taurus---how can you bring more transparency to your relationships?

Chiron is stationary in Aries so our wounds may be begin with blaming others for our lack of passion or motivation. Stop, the love you save may be your own. Imagine you're a pioneer moving through unchartered territory---it's called Innocent Land. Ask yourself and your mates, partners, friends 'Why not?' and 'Who's going to be hurt?'

Hearth fire and centralizing Vesta is finishing up her trek through relationship oriented Libra on January 3, 2025. Have you been a bit obsessed with your partnerships since Halloween? Well, Vesta will take her potentially OCD Cosmic ass into Scorpio 1.3.25 to 9.15.25. You can judge obsessions from an egocentric standpoint and martyr-down. Or you can get to the root of what you feel is missing from within, ok? She goes into retrograde motion on March 20, 2025 until June 14, 2025.

Vesta looks for love within. From matriarchal and healing Temple Priestesses to nuns, Vesta is whole onto herself (or himself). She creates 'situationships'. With 2025 beginning with Mars (sex/penetration/dickishness-no matter what bio sex) in retrograde motion & Venus joining him on March 1 2025---we'll all need to concentrate on our Vesta energies---

It's going to be a bumpy ride in direct proportion your need and/or dependence on external validation and attention. Imagine 2025 will be our 'Cosmic Covid'. Simply apply more Vesta, less Mars & sprinkle Venus gently and moderately. Want to know more, subscribe to YouTube channel and ask to learn more about the healthy triangle of your Mars, Venus and Vesta.

Watch the following video.

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