'We need to talk'---four words that usually places anxiety in the listener, yes?
Let's talk the difference between the word 'opposition' and 'complementary'.
The use of the word 'opposition' is SO Pisces Age of binary thinking aka 'male over female' or 'yang is superior to yin'. Our upcoming Aquarius Age is all about growing up to be a whole 'grown ass' person who participates transparently in consciously evolving cosmic community.
We can easily get used to the rhythms of the full moons...after all, Luna is short for 'lunatic'. 'Crazy Full Moon'. The Moon did it. How about we end blaming the Full Moon on our behavior?
When we see these signs as 'flip sides of the same coin' or unified complements instead of opposing each other, we can relax in the cosmic healing waters of La Luna, The Moon.
No freeze framing our shadows. After all, when She is Full, She is as large as our Sun. The feminine flow emerges as background music to the soundtrack of our lives. If you listen to Her when she is less than full, waning or waxing, those five days that She appears as large as the Sun can be more of flowing breeze on your cosmic ocean of life---instead of egocentric drama of excessive attachment.
Each Full Moon offers ALL of us an ability to integrate and unify energies that are as cosmically far apart as they can be...
How do these 'opposing' energies complement each other instead?
Gemini (Moon/yin/instincts) & Sagittarius (Sun/radiance/glow up & Mercury/messenger/mind)?
Cancer 'I Feel' & Capricorn 'I Use'?
Leo & Aquarius (Mars Retro in Leo/yang/action) & (Aquarius Venus/love/attraction/joy & Pluto collective transformation begins within your own ego attachments & Ceres self care, food & impartial support freely given)
Virgo & Pisces (Neptune/visionary & Saturn/disciplinarian)
Libra & Aries (South Node/compulsion for peacemaking) & (North Node/evolution of pioneering new beginnings)
Scorpio & Taurus (Uranus/innovative & disruptive) I emphasized the importance of intuition, visionary energy, and the need to pause and allow ideas to flow.
Full Moon Highlights
Neptune challenges this reporter/left brain/intellect and influencer/priestly/shaman/right brain/intuitive of Gemini & Sagittarius, respectively.
As it's said in www.ourrawmaterial.com
'Wholeness is the goalness'! We are complete and perfect as we are---as our experiences when viewed from the awareness of our rooted souls. Neptune in Pisces offers a major lesson in 'awaring'. As it's said in Belief Is Not Required (BINR) 'when suspended (belief), clarity in wisdom is attained'.
Full Moon Highlights:
The Transgendered Mutable Signs
Gemini, Sag & Pisces are represented, much like a three legged table unstable and/or not for long term sitting. The fourth leg (sign) is analytical Virgo. These are the mutable signs--their seasons occur when it's mutating, changing and adapting. They live in the realm of the mind, where gender and its roles are created. We must get beyond (trans-) our 'minds' as ruling our lives. This is the second to last mutable full moon before Neptune leaves Pisces on March 30, 2025 (more on this phenomenon later, for sure).
Seeking perfectionism in their process of manifestation differs from being a perfectionist. Perfectionism is an ideal fostered by a disconnected from cosmic unity and harmony. It is a result of a 'fallen' humanity. The human signs are Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius (and sometimes Libra---who's really measuring on their scales, anyway?). These are the perfectionists of the circle of animals aka the zodiac.
When our thinking becomes too polarized, enter Uranus. He disrupts our attachment either/or, binary living. He shocks and liberates our accepting any authority at face value. In direct proportion to freeze framing anyone as the 'other', 'evil', 'bad' or 'thug', Uranus will aid in your fall from grace. (Imagine a metaphor of Adam & Eve after eating from the tree of the 'Knowledge of Good & Bad?) Enter in Lucifer the Light Bearer tempting us to become dualistic, yet exploratory...generalizations of any kind are not advisable in our upcoming Aquarian Age...
Venus and Mars are in opposite signs of Leo and Aquarius. These two stubborn and masculine energies have a not-so hidden agendas of getting us to give to them what they want first.
Mars retrograding in Leo defiantly saying "me first". Or they (Leo) pretend shyness and observe you. Your Sun sign is how you LEO---warrior Mars is moving all of us to look within first to know what pleases us. Venus in Aquarius demands transparency. Complement of enlightened self-centeredness. Imagine that you're a multi armed Hindu deity...
Mercury appears to not be moving at this Gemini Full Moon. The messenger reporter energy has been in expansive and alchemical Sagittarius since November 2, 2024. He doesn't come down to earth in resourceful Capricorn until January 8, 2025. Ego oriented Mars returns to Cancer on January 6---our communication style will be challenged by our tribe, family and those closest to us. Let's use these next three weeks to realize how much our intentions create our expectations. How do we take things less personally?
Yes, we need to talk--necesitamos hablar...
For now watch the following video. Please subscribe to YouTube channel, if you haven't already.
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