Hi let's talk lunar eclipse in Virgo first of all you cannot understand one sign without looking at the sign that's $180° away from that sign so
So that's one of the reasons I've coined the hashtag #transgenderedastrology. These are the six axes.
The following video remember I talk about the signs in pairs in the following order:
and last but certainly, not least Leo/Aquarius
But first, let's get some meaning some new terms
In Transgendered Astrology, there are no oppositions. After all, oppositions are so yesterday, so 20th century, so binary, you cannot fully understand yourself as one part of a half of a masculine or feminine pole. We are all whole human beings. We are a combination of Masculine and Feminine or Yang and Yin Energies.
What does this all mean for each of the 12 signs
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Watch the following video for increased illumination with the following paragraph in heart/mind or soul/ego:
When the lunar energy is eclipsed (or blocked)---our family tribal childhood memories are blocked so we get to choose how to live fully present from a solar sense of purpose, a radiant emanating spirit that does not look back in the rearview mirror. We do not elevate or constantly communicate on our triggers as excuses and rationalization. Like Carly Simon’s “You’re So Vain” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You%27re_So_Vain It is vanity to believe that our triggers are so uniquely personal (Virgo) & NOT universal (Pisces). Vanity can indicate a separating ego that believes it has done everything on its own!
What happens specifically at a lunar eclipse in Virgo is that we go into the Uncharted Territory/North Star of the collective, pure and unifying Waters of Pisces where everything and everyone is equal. Everybody recognizes each other's unique Soul as being a member of a Collective Soul.
Trees and/or Forest? Taking A Deep Dive---
If you’ve watched the video---and you’re here, you’re ready for a ‘deep dive’.
After more than three decades of study and practice of this exceedingly beautiful language/art/science of astrology, I keep it personal, interpersonal and transpersonal. This be not as cryptic as it sounds.
Forest symbolizes and instructs us that--- WE ARE All 12 Signs!
Personal and egocentric oriented (Aries, Taurus, Gemini & Cancer)
Interpersonal and relationship oriented (Leo, Virgo, Libra & Scorpio)
Transpersonal and communal/cosmically oriented (Sag, Cap, Aquarius & Pisces)
So what is this all mean lunar eclipse in Virgo well the illumination is between the individual parts versus the sum of the parts.
Virgo is the individualized analysis of the trees in the proverbial Forest while Pisces is where the forest is located on the planet in the first place
Therefore, the ‘I analyze’ Virgo, a human sign, seeks to assess (& access) balance & equilibrium with the ‘I believe’... in Multiple Dimensions and fairies and gnomes and undines and angels and extraterrestrials and living and existing among us. Pisces moves in the fourth dimension of our collective heart and soul, that is, beyond linear time and space. Pisces exists in all of us any time we willingly suspend belief (pun intended) that the physical world is all there is…
As I am fond of saying: the best way to get a miracle is to believe that they still exist!” Yep, irony abounds from a website named ‘Belief Is Not Required’. Pisces is where we choose to be in the world (physical third dimension) but not of the world (soul filled fourth dimension).
what is this all mean for each of the 12 signs please remember I will talk about the signs in pairs Virgo Pisces Libra Aries Scorpio Taurus Sagittarius Gemini Capricorn Cancer and last but not least Leo Aquarius as this is the way that I want us to move forward and thinking about ourselves as whole transgendered individuals that we are not just one sign or one thing one aspect of the binary we are on a spectrum of integrating masculine and feminine energies and we might as well start with the portal that is represented by the sun sign or the season of our birth