East Meets West (Lunar/Chinese Joins Solar/Tropical Astrology). Out of the Yin/Feminine/Lunar Asian Astrology of Five Elements merge with the Yang/Masculine/Solar Western Astrology of Four Elements.
Only at Belief Is Not Required (BINR) is a Personal Healing Profile (PHP) being offered. Reach out for a "New Big Three"! Instead of Sun/Moon/Rising---how about integrating your East & West. This season is a Pisces Wood Snake.
#beliefisnotrequired #eastmeetswest #astrology #yearofthesnake #lunaryear #personalhealingprofile #personalhealing #astrology #aries #taurus #gemini #cancer #leo #virgo #libra #scorpio #sagittarius #capricorn #aquarius #pisces #pisceswoodsnake #geminifiredog #fourelements #fiveelements #chineseastrology #dragon #wood #fire #earth #water #air