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New Moon/Mood/Beginnings in Intentional Sagittarius: Sunday, Dec 1 2024

Writer's picture: Quan Tracy CherryQuan Tracy Cherry

What if there were consciousness you could tap into that you could have what you’ve asked for? What if we imagined a unified world of 8,5 billion plus universes? An eternal shaping and authentic receptivity to everyone else’s vision and energy while maintaining an intimate awareness to our own spirit and inner truth?

Sagittarius season gives us a glimpse into how to create this ideal world of spirit and grounding into the physical world---the mythical centaur, half human and half horse. How mythical? How can we see the possibilities of the inseparable quality of our elevated human and our animal nature?

Note for all: It is important to see yourself as a Cosmic Cook when imagining the energies illuminated through AstrORM. All of us can be intentional as any Sagittarius. We can look to ourselves first for Resources as any Capricorn. How about seeing all conflict as an opportunity to depersonalize our reactions and become our own inner psychologist like any self-respecting Scorpio?

Through the vital realm of spirit, we can come together in multiple shared (and inclusive) visions. In conventional Astrology, the fire signs are associated with the spiritual plane of existence. Energy, action, directness are some of the immediate qualities. Because their impact is observed in the physical dimension, they are of the yang/masculine polarity. In Astrology when combined with Our Raw Material (ORM) is called AstrORM. Our body’s animal and instinctive nature is honored through our awareness that there is no separation. We call the ninth pillar (how the weeks are referred to in ORM) the Intention Pillar. Instead of the fire element, we associate week nine to ‘Our Ocean’--our feeling of source, rooted connection to everyone and everything else.

What possibilities do I see in each sign? What are some of the fundamental ways to energetically embody your intentions?

Aries,  your bold and direct nature has you pioneering in any activity that’s important to you. In middle school, you’d been the first one out on the dance floor. When you compete with yourself, you radiate an innocent and innovative energy that’s inspiring to us all. It’s like watching the opposing team on the field making an unprecedented play that is simply too phenomenal to ignore. I believe it’s called ‘playa hatin’’.. To some you may seem impatient, however, you’re not willing to be a character without a ‘backstory’. You’re the sign born out of the collective waters of Pisces, your preceding sign of feeling undifferentiated. In AstrORM, you’re connected to Mentors, the family of origin stories and anyone who’s affected your evolution (positive and negative role models included). From a soul viewpoint, all is evolution, so there is no positive/negative.

Taurus,  you can lean too easily into your stubbornness and when you’re feeling ego judge-ment. This occurs when you’re in the company who appear to have more than whatever you value AND who disagree with your basic values that have worked for you. Perseverance, stick-to-itiveness and my favorite---a willingness to stand your ground no matter who’s in the audience---you treat everyone the same regardless of class, status, color, orientation, etc. You teach us how to radiate a musical and harmonious joy no matter what physical circumstances we find ourselves in. Sure, you can snap grouchily at others when hungry or resisting physical touch for far too long, then your spirit indulges in what has been called ‘recreational criticism’. To be fair, each of the earth signs (Virgo & Capricorn) can engage in this tending to Earth’s Garden according to AstrORM.

Gemini, you possess an ageless mind constantly that’s  set on the virtues of curiosity and wonder. If you’re not observing humanity, then you’re asking questions. When engaged in neither, then you’re introspectively adding to the stories already present within your mind. You gave us ‘random access memory’ before the IT world even knew what to call it. Once you Nourish (ORM Pillar Three) yourself on a platter of thought, soul, action and vision, you’re quite a delectable character...Knowing when your gossip is idle and speculative and when it’s getting to something profound makes a difference in the quality of friends, lovers and colleagues willing to give you a benefit of the doubt. Quantity is more of Sagittarian or Aquarian thing, not yours.

Cancer, Reflective Sensitivity, that’s a virtue of yours. However, when you allow your unexamined wounds to surface, you whine and cast blame better than a ship’s captain that sends too many of their crew to the plank. Once you access your inner strength, Sagittarius season has your warmth engaging everyone with whom you come in contact. Hell, you’re the epitome of the ‘goodwill’ that’s an ideal energy at this time of energy, no matter how you worship (or not). In AstrORM, your pillar is Ignorance. Simply willing to entertain that you don’t know the intentions of others, keeps your sensitive heart open and pliant. Beautiful beyond words…

Leo, You expand upon your preceding sign of Cancer’s Reflective Sensitive through your Authenticity. In a metaphysical way, you embody the sentiment of ‘the show must go on!” You live that fine line between what appears to be performing for an audience to being the sincere representation of what you’re doing, saying or watching. Yours is the Pillar of Feeling. When you feel and sense the universality of these heartfelt responses, we cannot resist you anymore than the sunshine. Typically most criticism comes from those who wish they could be less suppressed (or at least apply more SPF when in your presence, lol).

Virgo, you see and live the spirit of ‘Precision’. There’s an exacting quality of how you move through the world. Living to serve indicates that you have a ‘third ear’. In AstrORM, it’s the Pillar of Listening’. As an earth element, you belong to the spiritual weeks along with Taurus (Music) and Capricorn (Resources). Even as Tavish and I developed these connections, to associated the earth element which traditionally goes to the physical plane was challenging to assimilate. However, to be precise our physical bodies have a spiritual wholeness that emanates naturally until we continue to use our egocentric minds to separate every damned experience. Your sign sits prettily at the end of the egocentric hemisphere in Conventional Astrology. Listening to a third perspective beyond the binary of body/spirit or ego/soul, gives you an exceptional ear sourced in our rooted hearts. Say more about your inner hearing process, please…

Libra, one of your scales reflects on the exacting nature of the Virgo ego and intellect and the other scale luxuriates in grace. From a narrow egocentric view, grace can only be bestowed, usually when you’re at your lowest point. However, Sagittarius and the Intentional Pillar only concentrate upon seeing now! Grace can clean up the past, present and future simultaneously. Often you cannot give something you don’t possess, so it’s an inner truth thing, this grace. Given to yourself first. In today’s world to look outwardly for grace to bestowed may  be a Value from your family or religion. In an Ideal world, every being would have equal access to grace (and forgiveness) without getting on their knees or feeling any shame ever!

Scorpio, like reflective sensitives aka Cancer, you have Libra as a next door neighbor. There is a repulsion you feel with anything to do with the ‘boy or girl next door’ (unless you have a desire to corrupt him/her/them). You may even have an inner conflict about how to deep is your love (that you want to express) You see, your season is all about loyalty given and received. Your AstrORM is conflict week, and you’re the Gardener of how to clean up interpersonal messes. You long to speak truth to power like Sagittarius, but when your ego’s in control, you repel instead of attract. Bummer. Tavish (Co-Founder of ORM) would strongly suggest a Values & Ideals list---analog please. Once you know your priorities Scorpio, inner conflicts melt away like ice cream in warm weather.

Sagittarius, like it’s been said every four years at US Presidential Elections ‘it’s the economy, stupid’ you dislike being thought of as ‘not in the know’, yet, for your AstrORM ass, ‘it’s your humor, Sag(e)”. No matter your age or physical traits, your energy is all over seeing the absurd, humor or how to bring a little lightness. You see, your objectivity emanates from a zooming out. Your spirit, while adhering to anything small minded and petty, likes to believe it travels in a cosmic airplane at least 45000 feet above the ground. Most times this is a real vision for you, except where you use your intentions to compare and contrast with others you consider to be your competition. Then, all you sincerity and humor turns dark and spirit mean. Ouch.

Capricorn, yours is a paradoxical energy you want to create a better future while honoring the legacy and traditions of the past. Earth sign that begins winter in conventional astrology. ‘I Use’ is your keyphrase. A practical and resourceful energy. In AstrORM the Resource Pillar belongs to you. With Music and Listening, your earthy week is connected to the Spiritual energy of ‘Our Sky’.In ORM the Spiritual Pillars ask us to redefine our relationship to prosperity. Capricorn can be misunderstood when they place their self-ambition and protective nature before anyone else. Selfish, cold and calculating or the one I’ve heard to most ‘the ends justify the means’. Yes, these winter born can take the long view leaving immediate gratification lacking. However, when their arc of social justice bends towards Sagittarius and its AstrORM Intentions---their warmth is unparalleled. 

Aquarius, sigh---these AstrORM principles bring your alien nature to the forefront of our minds and hearts. What I enjoy about your energy is you have a willingness to follow your own unique beat. As an air sign of mid winter, your vision is set upon the springtime. In AstrORM you’re our Architect. How do you allow our minds to be Aligned With Intention (ORM Pillar 11) or do you ‘intend one thing and do another’? Through studying history and applying a little of Pillar Four (Ignorance) your energies become increasingly more charismatic and captivating. What was once ‘alien’ thought, belief or action becomes common with your insight mannerisms of accepting everyone into the fold, tent or community.

Pisces, your ability to love, redeem and forgive all is so endearing. Like your keyphrase in Conventional Astrology, ‘I Believe’, you see the best in all of us. See intangible assets or Cosmic Virtues as reality creating principles. Love, kindness, grace, joy, redemption, compassion are just a few. When you sublimate your ego for a larger more inclusive intention (learned from Pillar 11 ‘Aligning With Intention/Aquarius), you exhibit your Pillar of Wholeness for all to see and feel. ‘Wholeness is the Goalness’ as Tavish is fond of saying. When you pause your ego, breathe deeply as you contemplate on each lesson learned and synchronicity recognized, the awareness of our rooted and connected soul is self-evident.

See & Intend The Possibilities of Our Lives As a Dance!

Watch the following video for more integrated information illuminating this Sag New Moon and Our Raw Material (ORM). More to come on AstrORM (A Compelling Energetic Astrological Alchemy).

Ask in the comment section how to begin your own path through AstrORM!

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