After writing for decades, it can be a challenge to keep up with the Multiverses’ relentless schedule of New and Full Moons. Pisces says categorically---You. Do. Not. Have. To. Like Raven, that’s SO Virgo. Ain’t a damn thing wrong about those obsessive Virgos (or Scorpios), either. It’s all about wholeness---a full on acceptance of each moment as happening perfectly. Even if and especially when your ego cannot see those bright linings or scintillating rainbows, know that Pisces says there’s a dimension where you can import ideal energies of self-love, self-compassion and self-worth, for sure!
This past Pisces New Moon #piscesnewmoon births a Venus (Ms. Equilibrium & Joy), Jupiter (Let’s Pay if Forward and expand) alignment in Aries (pioneering hero of passion and innocence). This educational connection of the two benefics (planetary expansion
charms) offers all of us a glimpse of our personal futures of how to move and get on with our lives in the present moment. Imagine an ideal reality that wounds, like worries, are left behind. These joyous planets reach their amazing peak on March 1. Only one warning (or two), overconfidence and truths expressed mentally without any heartfelt feelings. Yes, your uniqueness may be flexing but it this occurring at anyone else’s expense. It is one thing to make fun of another’s actions, it is wholly another to poke fun at how they present in the physical world. No matter how culturally appealing we may appear, we all have wounds.
Take a page out of Our Raw Material (ORM). check out ORM A water drinking, breathing focused and physical alignment practice that begins every equinox and solstice (we are three weeks out, yall!). Spring Equinox is Tuesday, March 21. You can begin ORM at any time, though. Allow yourself to pay energy forward to yourself. This #piscesseason conspires to get you to move inside yourself. How would it look to explore all of your multiple dimensions as if they were personalities or characters in your favorite period piece or sci-fi movie?