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Solar Eclipse in Scorpio

Writer's picture: quantracycherryquantracycherry

Updated: Oct 27, 2022

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio ♏️ October 25, 2022. Eclipses last at least a month before & go till the next one in April, 2023.

Scorpio ♏️--whom do you think u are? What if there's no fixed identity? Let it all go. Your past floods thru for your objective viewpoint. Whatcha felt six months or hell even a year ago, no longer matters. Let Harmony Bringing Venus in your sign show you what you have to offer freely--no Elsa frozen tropes 4 u! Decide where u wanna be taken & by whom, ok? Allow new info to stir up your soul!

Sagittarius ♐️--New Moons in Scorpio already mark your solar year coming to an end. An Eclipse simply amps up the volume. Look where u continue to create unfinished business from this Spring, your last bday & even 2003-4 when the Eclipses were in security & value oriented Taurus & Scorpio. Stop in the name of love ❤️!

Capricorn ♑️--u and Scorpio have a love Thang Goin on. However, too much judgement from the mind without any heart juice can make you both too dry. Lose the Resting Bitch Face and toxicity of the male energy. Allow this upcoming Mars in Eternal Child Gemini to allow whimsy and passion to travel with you from moment to moment.

Aquarius ♒️--this Eclipse is pushing u to think how detached you are NOT. You appear cool, but your complimentary sign of Leo (used 2 b known as opposite), helps you open your (what u consider 2 b petty) heart. Let midfall bring you into offering grace to those who may have wronged you.

Pisces ♓️--u adore #scorpioseason because it supports you belief in the invisible world. U know u always have an ethical listener emanating from the Scorpio tribe. Neptune in your sign has a challenging angle from Warrior Mars in smart ass Gemini…give the correct words to everything. Like the movie/series--Let The Right One In--trust your whole soul to know who gets the privilege to swim with you, lovingly and refreshingly.

Aries ♈️--your ruler, Mars is slowing down to retrace himself in mentally adaptable Gemini. This Solar Eclipse is asking that you use your detective skills on yourself first-end those procrastinating habits now. Investigate where you're willing to confront your shadows. Let this Eclipse have you budgeting your money, time and your physical body.

Taurus ♉️--beautiful soul full of value and joy. If you cannot share your resources freely, allow this Solar Eclipse to demonstrate where your wounds need to be reviewed--finally. Please acknowledge your prosperity--be that beauty, money, magnetism or goodwill towards others. Your light inspires us when you turn the 'what u done 4 me lately?' To what uve done for others. #scorpioseason is all about the bonds created and shared from the heart. Any blocks come from your seeing things from too narrow of a perspective.

Gemini ♊️-aggressive (and sometimes toxic) Mars retraces his steps in your sign from October 30, 2022 to January 12, 2023. You're going on an Aborigninal walkabout whether u like it or not. You'll be meeting elders, aunties and uncles to round out your experience. Mediate your expectations to quell anxieties and worries. Let #scorpioseason veins your angelic ways down to earth. Let your pragmatic freak flag fly, yes?

Cancer ♋️--compatible water of Scorpio inspires you to take subtle control of your life. The nuances of your behavior and feelings are documented through your innate ability to know when to get beyond the rational. I call it 'transrational'. U can get to the answer through depending on your heart-gut instead of your mind. Block those negative self images from the past & this winter will have you finishing your business…no repression allowed.

Leo ♌️--you ignite us through displaying your vulnerability. Telling those close to you what you want is very attractive. And, when u listen from your heart, you begin the foundation of cresting an Everlasting Love ala Chaka & Rufus. Moment to moment moves your connections from illusion to manifested reality. Allow yourself to spill outside of your comfort zone. Accept trustworthy folx at face value as you're being real--so are those who are drawn to you.

Virgo ♍️--behind the scenes peacemaker, that b u. Allow this Solar Eclipse and Mars retrograde won't let you be the pure soul u wanna be. You have at least imagine what could go wrong at work, with your neighborhood, siblings and health, then make a plan to correct it. Listen to the alleged authorities, but heed your inner voice first and always. If you feel you're not being heard, then stop talking.

Libra ♎️--talk to an accountant, tax folx, priests and prosperity coaches. Define what financial success is for you. If you been thinking poor, these Eclipses in Taurus & Scorpio want to offer major breakthroughs in ridding yourself of that ancestral karma. Once I realized that NY NOT wanting 2 own a house was based upon ancestral wounds, I relaxed & surrendered into this next level of responsibility. Where is your uncharted territory?

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